Sunday, November 9, 2014


Now that Post #1 is over and done, here's a quick summary of what this blog is all about. Quite simply, I am starting with a whole bunch of "A" artists and reviewing their works. The ratings system works as follows

***** (5 stars)  classic or essential works
**** (4 stars)    excellent, for most artists, this will represent the peak of their work
*** (3 stars)      good. appeal will be primarily for already established fans of the artist
** (2 stars)        fair. fans may enjoy but everyone else is advised to steer clear
* (1 star)           bad and bad and bad. not good, in other words
 (0 stars)            listening to this album may propel you to suicide. caution strongly advised.

This is all just for fun from a diehard lover of all kinds of popular music.....

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